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The forest was dark and quiet. Not even the birds sang and tall and thick tress blocked out most of the sunlight. It was considered to be one of the most magical and forbidden forests on the planet, and housed a number of creatures too bizarre for a normal person to imagine. At this time, it also housed one guest, temporarily of course. As a cool breeze swished the leaves softly, the guest and a resident of the forest suddenly met and a loud voice suddenly cried out.

“This is centaur land? You dare trespass on the sacred groves of…” There was a thump and a crumple as something heavy hit the ground as the voice was cut off.

“I swear, if I hear that one more time from anybody or anything, I’ll go crazy.” The guest grumbled as he regarded the unconscious horseman. “What the…?”

The guest and the native didn’t hit it off rather well, much like the colonisation of South America in the 1600’s. In a fast and furious four minutes, arrows, spears, knives, crossbow bolts and the odd rock or two sailed through the air. In the end, a ruffled but alive human being with black hair, green eyes and a hand clutching a spear regarded the seven unconscious half human- half horse beings. “Mutations behold. I really hate this fucking planet.”

It hadn’t been a good week for Harry Potter, one of the Supreme Commanders of the Alliance Fleet, member of the Council of the Alliance and widely regarded as one of the best fighters in the galaxy and known for his bizarre and mystical powers. He had been shot down in one of the biggest space battles in the history of the galaxy after getting the crap beaten out of him by Anubis (Evil, mean, horrible…an all-around arsehole). Then Wizards with magic wands (Note the lack of quotations on the phrase, magic wands) had taken him to a hospital, bound his powers and demanded he do what they say. After he had escaped them, giving one of the ringleaders a broken nose, he had been captured by more wand waving wizards. This time, these wizards were a touch meaner and a lot crueler. He had managed to escape them after killing a dozen or two of them but got his hand fried in the process, and in doing so broke the object that bound him. Unfortunately, the bonds were more than a physical bracelet and now most of his magic was being used to stop the binding powers disabling his magic and killing him. He was captured again by little ugly freaky midgets and sentenced to death. Harry’s knack of getting out of places served him well again and now he was wandering a large forest with strange creatures, and beating up mutated horses.

As Harry lay on his back and stared at the stars, he sighed deeply. He was lost, alone and being hunted from who knows how many people...

“This is atrocious Scrimgeour!” Fudge roared, his cheeks purple and spittle flying from his mouth. He paced his office nervously, twirling his green bowler in his hands as Scrimgeour watched on. “Potter has escaped and practically earned the loyalty and admiration of half the damn Aurors while doing so! If word gets out about the bracelet…”

“Minister, calm down.” Scrimgeour said firmly, standing up.

“Don’t tell me to calm down! That damn things illegal and you know it! We should…” Fudge trailed off as Scrimgeour looked dangerously at him.

“Mr Potter poses a problem. That’s why I have sent out an old…acquaintance of mine, an assassin by the name of Blue Thunder, the only assassin to have ever wounded Lord Voldemort while trying to assassinate him.” Scrimgeour said.

“Kill Potter? But…But…But we need him! You-Know-Who…”Fudge spluttered incoherently.

“We can take care of Lord Voldemort.” Scrimgeour said smoothly. “But a second Dark Lord like Potter?”

“Potter’s a Dark Lord?” Fudge asked in disbelief.

“Minister, he has brutally murdered wizards without remorse. Death Eaters or not, he is a vigilante. The Ministry can not afford Vigilantes running around doing what they want.” Scrimgeour said earnestly.

“I suppose you’re right.” Fudge said slowly. “But what about…them?”

“They…are to concerned about their own affairs. They already think he’s dead, they don’t have to know..."

“The last of the Warships have left, Milady.” A young and nervous Alliance officer said, bowing slightly.

Lya looked up, her dark eyes blank and vaguely confused. “Oh…yes. Very well.”

The officer left as Lya turned back to the ‘window’, a section of the Space Station covered by a transparent force field. The blue and green planet of Earth stretched out before her eyes, with their primitive satellites zooming past every so often. Since Anubis was dead and his army broken, the Council had pulled the warships from Earth to other sectors where they were needed, mainly to fight overzealous Goa’uld’s who were suddenly so sure that they were the ‘true’ ruler of the universe.

All that remained around Earth was some small Assault Vessels and a large space station, surrounded by the hundreds if not thousands twisted wrecks of metal left over from the battle. The other members of the Council, all who had left for their respective planets, had decided to leave the wrecks their. It seemed…wrong to remove them, the silent and everlasting testaments of war.

Lya didn’t really care. This was why Nox hated violence and death, it was the feeling that one felt after a loved one died that the Nox feared, a feeling that was always associated with violence and death. Lya had fallen in love with a warrior…she should have expected it. It shouldn’t have hurt so much. Tears fell from her eyes, before she wiped them away and stood. She had her responsibilities, an entire people to look after...

Jack O’Neill glared at the protesters as he stepped out of his car. “If you don’t leave right now, I’m going to shoot you!”

He doubted the protesters could even hear him over the taunts and jeers they were screaming. Ever since Anubis had died and the shock of the existence of Aliens had worn off, a lot of people had suddenly decided that they never really liked aliens and perhaps, just maybe, the aliens that ‘saved’ them were actually trying to take over their planet.

“You’re bluffing!” One of them shouted angrily from behind the barricades set around Jack’s house. Thanks to some nifty alien technology, a force field stopped anybody from entering without his permission.

Jack pulled out a handgun and aimed it at him, finger on the trigger. There were some screams as he pulled it out and protesters backed away.

“Oh come on, it’s a dummy gun!” The protester yelled.

Jack fired and the forcefield flared just centimetres away from the guys face. The guy turned pale and quickly scrambled away.

“Morons.” Jack muttered. However, these morons were getting very powerful and political and Jack was afraid of where they were headed. Still, he was more concerned about his job…and the glowing rock Daniel found on another planet two days ago. The SGC was still running, and that was all Jack cared about right now...

In the British Isles, two evil beings plotted and waited. One was a thin and pale snake-like man with gleaming red eyes who wanted world domination. The other was a black mist that spread slowly across the plains of Scotland, sucking up all life and energy he could find. Their paths would soon cross…Lya watched, as Earth got smaller, the spacestations giant engines pushing them away from the planet. She watched the spinning swirl of clouds and gave one last look at the planet, whispering “Goodbye Harry,” before the Spacestation disappeared into hyperspace.

And far away on that same planet, in a large and dark part of the forest only forty kilometres away from a large castle¸ Harry closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep, missing the small twinkling dot that disappeared…


The ‘Book’ is over, but not the story. Stay tuned for a Sequel…

A/N- I’m back! School is over for another three months! No more work! No more exams! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I’m extremely sorry for the long wait, but my personal life got involved, you know, school and such. This is the last chapter of the story...damn, I can't believe I actually finished a story! A sequel will be in place though... and If you do have any ideas that you would want, don’t hesitate to tell me.

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