Reviews 1 - 5 of 5
Review for Come What May Chapter 2 from -Loki- on August 29, 2008
Not too bad, a few minor spelling mistakes and cliche annoyance of Harry wanting to get into better shape, but other than that the chapter was pretty solid. Best line: "One thing was for sure: throwing Potter against a wall did wonders for his vocabulary." Until next time.
Review for Come What May Chapter 1 from Alssn on August 28, 2008
Olcolomency? Olcclumencey? You've got to be kidding me. Also, edit the chapter to get rid of those annoying symbols. I've skimmed the story on ffnet, didn't care much about it. But it is decently enough written, so good luck.
Author reply
Thank you for reviewing.
Review for Come What May Chapter 1 from -Loki- on August 27, 2008
Sounds good so far, but if it turns into H/G i'll just stop reading I guess. Nice grammar and good flow with words.
Author reply
It's your choice to read further or not if It becomes H/G, if not then that's too bad. Thank you for reviewing.
Review for Come What May Chapter 1 from Edvin on August 27, 2008
Well, it was an interesting chapter. I don't remember seeing a story like that before. Only thing maybe, the structure. I don't know if it is wanted, but it seems like you want to make it look long the way you separate each phrase into paragraph. There is also some bug with the " " I think, because there is this strange icon there. Anyway, I'll be waiting for the next update. Regards, Edvin
Author reply
Thank you for reviewing.
Review for Come What May Chapter 1 from Tehan on August 27, 2008
Harry/Snape? On MY PatronusCharm? Burn.
Author reply
This is not slash. I would have said it was slash while I was filling out the summary and clicked that (this is slash) button. You would know if it was slash.
Reviews 1 - 5 of 5