Reviews 1 - 6 of 6
Review for Project M Chapter 1 from NoisyWriter on June 23, 2012
I love this idea. I'm looking forward to seeing how Harry's personality changes as a result of the time in the labs and how he will interact with others now. Go Captain America! :)
Review for Project M Chapter 1 from nimistar on March 31, 2009
great story, hope to see more.
Review for Project M Chapter 1 from ParselMaster on December 14, 2008
A few grammatical errors, such as ( parents ) instead of ( parent's ), Lack of punctuation here or there and a few other such minor offenses like a small word added or removed where such action is unnecessary. None serious, and none take away from the quality of story-telling at all. However, I tend to be a bit of a nitpicker when going over a story that I choose to review. There was one pet peeve of mine, you used (you're) instead of (your) with Doctor Ward's dialogue. The formatting of the story is done quite well, not thick enough to force readers to skim and not enough as to be irritating. I do question the warlocks though not their existence, but of their power. Why add characters that dabble in powers that would even give a Deatheater pause? I know that they were the plot device to force the trans-dimensional travel but the Deatheaters were the biggest horror for the United Kingdom, the darkest of wizards? I suppose that making this darker, but less numerous group is less cliche. Either way, a well-mastered scene. Even the death of Harry's comrade had purpose. However I do wonder about the rest of the battle. A 12 versus 12 match and only one of the other Aurors battles mixes with Harry's conflict? A very nice, varied, vocabulary that you have used for this. Descriptive, and imaginative. Harry has matured in a much, darker fashion. More like a trained soldier then a fresh recruit. This is not Rowling's Harry Potter. Though the impromptu prayer annoyed me at first, It does serve its purpose in your expression but it strikes me as a tad odd sounding. I do like the wand Avatar, I can't say anyone truly has used it. You didn't make its appearance dramatic at all, a touch I rather like. Through your Harry you added hints of a wizards background and education. Considering how much Rowling neglects to tell us about that particular subject this was like a breath of fresh air. However Subject M? Regardless of magic, such a name is a tad strange for scientists. Most scientifically minded characters in any comic book shun the idea of magic, even if it is thrown in their face. There are exceptions of course but still. He has a curious curse, what in the name of magic? His wand inserted into his flesh, what are the limitations of his magic, he can't exactly use well defined motions required for many spells, though it seems you may ignore this disability. The gifts of the phoenix, immortality? I like the fact that you placed this in Ultimate, more realistic and less spandex. The battle over genetics was always interesting but this realm is practically based on it. Who, though, are the villains? What is the point of the story, what is Harry's goal? Blank action without plot is, no matter how well written or how awesome the concept, boring. I hope you have something planned. Overall this is well written, but has the danger of becoming quite troublesome for you. I do hope you can make this work. Good luck and continued writing.
Review for Project M Chapter 1 from Richardc269 on October 30, 2008
Very much liked the story. I hope there's more very soon. Would love to keep reading it.
Review for Project M Chapter 1 from hordac85 on October 22, 2008
Excellent.Keep it up.I eagerly await your next update.
Review for Project M Chapter 1 from aduroconglacio on October 19, 2008
A previously done idea, to be sure, but you've definitely started something interesting here. Keep it up!
Reviews 1 - 6 of 6