Reviews 1 - 2 of 2
Review for One Shots Chapter 2 from Clell65619 on July 07, 2008
Wow. And you called my stuff crap. When ever I get a review that tells me just how much I suck, I look the critic up... As usual, the critic who knows just how much my work sucks, is evidently incapable of using the English language. In both of these 'one shots', your story structure is nonexistent, your characterization of Harry is completely out there, transforming him from an English school boy to an individual with the speech patterns and world view of the classic American slacker in his mid to late twenties, who lives in his parents basement and has stubbornly maintained his virginity throughout. You must be so proud...
Review for One Shots Chapter 2 from Duckweed on January 28, 2008
You disgust me. Rules One and Two may have been written by gaiafags, but I'll be damned if they don't serve a purpose. This shit is not funny. You ED user, you. For shame.
Reviews 1 - 2 of 2